

Berza smrti

Autor: Ljubomir Živkov Svirao ja u jednom klubu koji neka ostane anoniman (nema ga više), moji sinovci iz Čente, blizanci okrenuti od malih nogu bluzu,...

Nacionalni izdavači, pardon izdajice

Opet ja tako pregledavam svoj inbox kad naiđoh na tekst izvjesnog Dragana Bursaća. Autora ne znam od ranije, a vjerovatno ni on mene. Pretpostavljam...

Creating live visitors counter (who is online) in WhizBase

Ever wondered how to display how many visitors you have online. In this tutorial I will show you an easy but effective way...

Creating a small address book application in WhizBase

In this tutorial I will aim to show you how simple is making a small application in WhizBase, how to add, remove and...

Make a Password Strength Meter in WhizBase

Today the Internet is everywhere, we use it in everything, it is the buzz word of our time. When it first began it...

Simple form validation with WBSP

Have you ever looked to the DB of your registered users, if you do you will find a lot of garbage data. Emails...

Uploading files to your webpage

Have you ever wanted to upload your files to your hosting, or have you ever want to make a simple images gallery and...

Make a database driven website in 3 steps

Today every company had to have a website, it is something like having a telephone number or a company address. A lot of...

Mentalna Masturbacija

Eto, šta god dobro da uradiš, vrati ti se trostruko loše. Jebeni sistem ne dozvoljava odstupanja od ovog pravila. Ljudi, imate dva izbora: 1....